Thursday, April 22, 2021

Friday - Jesus Instructs His Disciples

 Read the Story - Life Magazine

Good Morning Children of Mary,
Although these little meditations were written for religious nuns who lived in a convent in Germany a long time ago, we believe that they will be of great benefit to us as well.
Today's Meditation is Jesus Instructs His Disciples Concerning the Necessity of Tribulations.

Have a beautiful day!

The Setting:

"Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and so to enter into His glory" (Luke 24, 26)?


In spirit, accompany the two disciples and hear our Lord's wholesome instructions.


O my Beloved Saviour, Who didst will to enter into glory only through sufferings, let me taste the mystery of the cross. How could I, Thy spouse, desire to walk any other way than the way of sacrifice, of sufferings and humiliations, which Thou hast marked out for me! In future I will contemplate the sufferings and tribulations that befall me in the light of a lively gratitude and affection instead of discouragement. May they reanimate and quicken my confidence in the infinite wisdom and goodness of God. Let my soul, O Jesus, burn with an ardent desire to be intimately united with Thee through love and sufferings, and to seek in Thee my sole consolation, my peace and happiness.


In all sufferings and reverses, I will be mindful that the cross is for me the means of sanctification. 

Spiritual Bouquet: 

"Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and so to enter into His glory?"

Jesus Mercy! Mary Help!

Jesus - Model of Religious, Meditations for every day of the year. Frederick Pustet Co.,   Copyright, 1925
Translated from the German of a Religious of the Congregation of St. Charles Borromeo, by a Sister of Notre Dame, Cleveland, Ohio, 

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