Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Thursday - Shores of Lake Genesareth

 Read the Story - Life Magazine

Good Morning Children of Mary,
Today is Thursday, April 28th and our morning meditation is Jesus Appears to His Disciples on the Shores of Lake Genesareth.
Have a beautiful day!

The Setting:

"Simon Peter saith to them: 'I go a fishing.' They say to him: 'We also come with thee.' And they went forth, and entered into the ship, and that night they caught nothing. But when the morning was come, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples knew not that it was Jesus. Jesus therefore said to them: 'Children, have you any meat?' They answered Him: 'No'" (John 21, 3-6). He said to them: "Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and you shall find."  


In spirit, visit the shore of Genesareth; see the Apostles casting out thier nets in vain and Jesus standing on the shore, lovingly conversing with them. 


O Divine Saviour, must I not fear that my labors for the salvation of souls have been useless and without merit for heaven? Alas, I have forgotten Thy words: "Without Me you can do nothing" (John 15, 5). Prompted by vain self-confidence and relying on my own strength, I have neglected to labor in Thy presence and to commend my work to Thee by fervent prayer. I humbly acknowledge my weakness and inefficiency, O my Saviour. I will have recourse to Thy Omnipotence with implicit trust, will the more securely rely on Thy assistance, the more miserable I am. Humbly submissive to all who command in Thy name, I will expect of Thee the blessing Thou so generously impartest to obedient souls.


I will perform all my actions in a spirit of faith and love.

Spiritual Bouquet: 

"Without Me you ca do nothing."

Jesus Mercy! Mary Help!

Jesus - Model of Religious, Meditations for every day of the year. Frederick Pustet Co.,   Copyright, 1925
Translated from the German of a Religious of the Congregation of St. Charles Borromeo, by a Sister of Notre Dame, Cleveland, Ohio, 

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