Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Wednesday - On the Way to Emmaus

 Read the Story - Life Magazine

Good Morning Children of Mary,
Although these little meditations were written for religious nuns who lived in a convent in Germany a long time ago, we believe that they will be of great benefit to us as well.
Today's Meditation is Christ's Discourse with the Two Disciples on Their Way to Emmaus.
Have a beautiful day!

The Setting:

"And He said to them: 'What are these discourses that you hold one with another, as you walk, and are sad'" (Luke 24, 17)?


Behold the two disciples on their way to Emmaus and Jesus in their midst. 


I pray Thee, my Jesus, speak to me as Thou didst speak to the unhappy disciples: speak to my mind, by imparting to it the knowledge of Thy doctrines, to my heart by inflaming it with the fire of Thy divine love. Give me humility and docility that I may profit by the counsels and admonitions of Thy representatives. I thank Thee, O Jesus, for having pointed out to me my defects, and at the same time the means and ways to amendment and betterment, to greater progress in religious perfection. Sustain me, O Beloved of my soul, with Thy powerful grace, that I may walk the ways of perfection with courage and perseverance. 


I will be attentive to the presence of God in my interior, and will gratefully accept the counsels that He imparts to me through His representatives. 

Spiritual Bouquet: 

"Speak, Lord for, for Thy servant hearth."

Jesus Mercy! Mary Help!

Jesus - Model of Religious, Meditations for every day of the year. Frederick Pustet Co.,   Copyright, 1925
Translated from the German of a Religious of the Congregation of St. Charles Borromeo, by a Sister of Notre Dame, Cleveland, Ohio, 

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