Thursday, April 1, 2021

Good Friday

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"Jesus therefore, when He had taken the vinegar, said: 'It is consummated' and bowing His head, He gave up the Ghost" (John 19, 30).


In spirit ascend the heights of Calvary and reverently remain at the foot of the cross, whereon our Blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ, dies for love of us. 


O my Divine Saviour, obedient unto death, even unto the death of the cross, Thou hast achieved on the sacrificial altar of Thy love the sacrifice whereby Thou didst merit eternal life for my soul. What couldst Thou have done more for me, to impress me with the terrible malice of sin, but also with the astounding greatness of Thy divine love and mercy? Embracing Thy holy cross, dear Lord, I detest and repent of all my sins. By the merits of Thy saving death, by every drop of Thy Precious Blood, give me the grace to die to myself and all my evil inclinations, and to live in future for Thee alone as a victim of immolation. Wound my heart with the love that opened Thine, O my beloved Saviour, and let the Blood and water from the sacred wound in Thy side flow upon my soul, and be my salvation and my consolation. O sacred Blood, that flowed so copiously on Calvary's height, cleanse all sinners that they may love the great price of their redemption, and in its saving stream find salvation and grace. 

Jesus Mercy!  Mary Help!

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