Saturday, April 24, 2021

Meditation for The Third Sunday After Easter

Read the Story - Life Magazine

Good Morning Children of Mary,
Although these little meditations were written for religious nuns who lived in a convent in Germany a long time ago, we believe that they will be of great benefit to us as well.
Today's Meditation is Jesus Forewarns His Apostles That Tribulations Shall be Their Lot.

Have a beautiful day!

The Setting:

"Amen, amen, I say to you, that you shall lament and weep, but the world shall rejoice; and you shall be made sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy" (John 16, 20).


Behold our Divine Lord in the company of His disciples.


I thank Thee, O my Divine Saviour, for the light of Thy grace in which I have realized the value of sufferings and trials. Even here below tears shed for Thy sake are mingled with much sweetness, and promise to bear fruits of eternal joy. Confirm in us ever more the hope of the eternal, imperishable heritage,―the fruit of Thy passion― that neither labors, nor fatigue, neither sufferings nor sorrow and disgrace, can shatter our courage, or disturb our peace of soul. O my Jesus, replenish our hearts with so generous and powerful a love as burned in the hearts of Thy Apostles and martyrs, that we may endure the sorrows of This present life not only with resignation, but with a holy joy, deeming ourselves happy to bear closer resemblance with Thee, our Divine Model.


We will unite our sufferings with those of Jesus and bear them cheerfully for love of Him. 

Spiritual Bouquet: 

"Your sorrow shall be turned into joy."

Jesus Mercy! Mary Help!

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