Monday, March 15, 2021

Monday - The 27th Day of Lent

"Pilate saith to them: 'What shall I do then with Jesus, that is called Christ?' They say all: 'Let Him be crucified!' The governor said to them: 'Why what evil hath He done?' But they cried out the more, saying, 'Let Him be crucified?'" (Matt. 27, 22, 23).


Behold Jesus before the tribunal of Pilate, and the multitude clamoring for His death.

O Savior of the world, to what shame and bitterness have my sins reduced Thee! To what anxiety and sorrow! They are the cause of Thy death. Oh, vouchsafe me Thy almighty grace, that my sins may be nailed to the cross with Thee according to the words of the Apostle: "Our old man is crucified with Him, that the body of sin may be destroyed." (Rom. 6, 6). How long yet O Jesus, will I contemplate Thy sufferings before my heart, wounded by Thy love, will die to self, to live henceforth for Thee alone, my God and my All!

Jesus Mercy!  Mary Help!

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