Tuesday, March 23, 2021

34th Day of Lent - Jesus Carries His Cross

"They took Jesus and led Him forth. And he bore His cross" (John 19, 16-17)


Behold Jesus, laden with the heavy cross, advancing wearily and sinking several times under the burden.


O most affable Jesus, to what excess has Thy immeasurable love impelled Thee! I behold Thee, laden with the heavy cross, exhausted unto death, pale, ascending Mount Calvary. O holy cross, on which my Savior, with so much love and inexpressible exhaustion, carried the heavy burden of my sins, I salute Thee and with tenderest gratitude reverently embrace Thee. For Thee, O Savior of the world, Son of the Most High, the cross was an abasement; I, however, a miserable sinner, have deserved it. It will be honorable for me to carry the cross of affliction and renunciation and thus to follow perseveringly in Thy footsteps. Grant me the grace, O Jesus, to embrace my cross generously, mindful of the words: "And he that taketh not up his cross and followeth Me is not worthy of Me" (Matt. 10, 38).

Resolution: If I find it difficult to make a sacrifice demanded of me, I will take courage in the thought that Jesus has gone before and merited grace for me to follow in His footsteps.

Spiritual Bouquet: "If any man will come aftger Me, let him take up his cross and follow Me."

Jesus Mercy!  Mary Help!

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